Providing an effective learning platform to suit the needs of over 7000 staff at South East Coast Ambulance Service was essential.
Onclick inherited SECAmb Live! – A dedicated Moodle platform for all SECAmb staff online training. At the time, many of the training materials available on the site were simply downloadable PDFs.
With many editors on the site, resources had become cluttered with users reporting their difficulty in navigation and overall engagement.

the approach
Following a useful focus group session with a selection of staff across the Trust, we were able to identify the important elements of their existing platform alongside all the ideal wants and needs for the future.
Onclick designed and developed a brand new platform, streamlined to the specific requirements of the Trust. The newly branded SECAmb Discover was simpler in design with a clear navigation dashboard. Pre-enrolment onto mandatory Key Skills training was also configured for different staff groups.
One key element of enhancing user experience was to transform historic print materials into fun, interactive elearning modules. As all paramedic staff had been recently issued with new iPads; responsive delivery of courses was vital. Rapid development and easy updating were also key to meet tight deadlines of new releases and support ongoing amendments. We therefore created a bespoke Adapt Learning template for delivery of all interactive modules, retaining consistency across SECAmb Discover.
Custom reporting is delivered direct to administrators in each region of the Trust, confirming course completions and pass grades for all staff in their area.
Current Suite of Courses
- Fire Safety
- Health, Safety and Risk Assessment
- Infection Prevention & Control
- Information Governance
- Safeguarding Adults Level 2
- Safeguarding Children Level 2
- Resilience & Specialist Operations
- PGD Guidance
- Manual Handling
- Braun Pro 6000 Tympanic Thermometer
- Sepsis
- Lifepak 1000
- Dementia Awareness
- End of Life Care
- CFR Medicines
the results
User feedback to the new platform and suite of courses has been fantastic.
We continue to work in partnership with SECAmb to develop more courses to add to the platform.
Working within our 50/50 partnership share scheme, we have also sold a number of SECAmb courses to other ambulance services across the UK. This not only generates a return on SECAmb’s original investment but allows relevant knowledge and vibrant resources to be shared at a fantastic rate.

client testimonial