Do your health check providers have access to training? How can you ensure all changes in best practice are cascaded to your providers?
Delivering training for providers of NHS Health Checks can be challenging. With 937,579 people in England receiving an NHS Health Check in 2016-2017, how can we ensure the consistent offer of a health check is delivered?
Since 2015, Health Check Mentor elearning has been successfully delivering interactive online training to Health Check providers across England. This unique online training package has been developed by Onclick and Inspire4Change (Karen Davies, Vascular and Diabetes Nurse Specialist).
We have found that digital learning has proven an effective solution in this setting, offering up-to-date online resources at a time and place convenient for the learner, whilst ensuring quality and consistency across the region for commissioners.
Available as a SCORM package or fully hosted subscription service, Health Check Mentor has been written in line with best practice guidance, the PHE Workforce competency framework and learner workbook.
It incorporates video demonstrations of motivational consultations, case studies, reflective exercises and engaging, interactive activities. Our bespoke elearning package functions both as flexible work-based resource as well as an ongoing update training, with assessment and certification.
Whilst a generic version of the programme is available on our subscription service, some regions have opted to customise their package with local information and resources.
- Module 1: Introduction – What is the NHS Health Check all about?
- Module 2: Cardiovascular – Overview of the conditions covered in NHS Health Check
- Module 3: NHS Health Check – How to conduct an NHS Health Check
- Module 4: Risk Score – Calculating and communicating risk in an NHS Health Check
Our Health Check Mentor package is currently being delivered to GP surgeries, pharmacies and outreach workplaces in regions including:
- East Sussex
- Gloucestershire
- Kingston upon Thames
- Leicester
- Milton Keynes
- Suffolk
- Surrey
- West Sussex
- Camden and Islington
So far, we have trained and supported over 500 NHS Health Check providers and delivered weekly/monthly reports on user activity in each commissioner’s region.
- A comprehensive systematic guide to NHS health check
- Well presented, user friendly and very informative
- I really enjoyed the videos and client advice
- Clear, precise information and easy to follow
- I now have a far greater knowledge, which I can share with my clients
- I liked that there wasn’t an overwhelming amount of information to study through and the interactive parts of clicking to discover more information.
- Excellent refresher for PN and HCAs
- It’s benefited me, my clients and the Practice, as I am able to give a far greater service
- Easy to access so can do from home
- Good use of factual and visual learning techniques.
- I particularly liked the multiple-choice questions and scenarios. I found the links to external content useful and have bookmarked various pages and guides.
- I found the demos of how to do parts of the NHS Health Check really useful
- It’s improved my record keeping and assessment skills
Health Check Mentor allows our providers to refresh and update their skills, at a time suitable to them. It is cost effective for the Council, as we do not need to arrange and resource expensive off-site, update events. For those just starting to deliver checks, it allows them to revisit aspects of the Health Check programme and ensure they feel confident in their knowledge. This support provides us with a level of reassurance.
Health Check Mentor gives us confidence that all commissioned providers are receiving the same quality and standard of training and information. The scheduled reports, showing who has accessed the tool, support our governance processes and ensures we can demonstrate the cost benefit.
Viv Mussell, Public Health & Wellbeing Directorate, West Sussex Council
Health Check Mentor compliments the core training we offer a few times a year. It provides introductory training for those new to Health Checks and a refresher for those who haven’t been on training for some time. We promote it as an ongoing learning aid, which practitioners can dip in and out of, to refresh on any areas of the Health Check. It offers a flexible and accessible training resource for all practitioners involved in providing Health Checks, both for those new to delivery and for those with more experience.
Hayley Martin, Health Improvement Specialist NHS Health Checks & Primary Care – Public Health Directorate, East Sussex Council
We have recently launched version 3 of our Health Check Mentor online training package, supporting providers of NHS Health Checks. This is now up to date with ‘PHE Best Practise Guidelines 2017’ and new information on diabetes risk factors and assessments.
We are also in the process of planning an adapted version of the course for mental health practitioners.
For a full demo of our Health Check Mentor elearning package, or for further information on pricing and delivery, please get in touch.
t: 01622 831 463