Building in Adapt Learning with bespoke CSS coding, custom graphics and animations

Mixing quiz techniques, bespoke animated graphics and custom-built popups

Fully responsive in design for desktop, tablet and mobile

Re-enacted silent movie clips, developed using Adobe After Effects
Festive Quiz: Adapt Learning
Instead of sending out Christmas cards this year, we decided to put together an interactive festive game and chance to win an Amazon Fire Tablet for all our Onclick friends.
In recent years, at Onclick, our primary development tool has been Adobe Captivate, which we still love. But we’ve been hearing and seeing so much positive reviews of Adapt Learning, that we felt it was time to test out it’s features and capabilities.
Adapt is an open source elearning tool that creates fully responsive, multi-device, HTML5 digital learning content. We’ve opted to test out the Adapt authoring tool to see how bespoke it really can be!
We first developed our own theme for the Onclick brand with a custom-built CSS and tailored graphical backgrounds, to break up content, using an open source text editor called Brackets.
Using different quiz techniques, we have incorporated multiple choice, matching, text input and slider questions.
We have also used the opportunity to demonstrate our design and development skills, by integrating instructional design techniques, custom-made graphics, bespoke animated gifs and re-enacted film clips, with Adobe After Effects post-production.
The results are fantastic and aim to offer our friends a fun and engaging digital learning experience this Christmas-time.
We hope you all enjoy our festive quiz and take the opportunity to enter our competition for an Amazon Fire Tablet.
If you are interested in creating a similar bespoke learning experience for your organisation, please do not hesitate to get in touch to see how Onclick can support your needs.
Royalty-free music in silent movies supplied by Kevin MacLeod (Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License): incompetech.com